First and foremost YOU are NOT alone! All men will worry about losing their hair at some point in his life. The men who say they aren't worried just don't want to admit that they probably spend lots of time examining their hair lines in the mirror. The reason they worry is because it is so widespread. You can't usually get hair loss from your guy friends (except in rare cases of fungal type scalp infection). You do however need to be conscientious of it's causes and solutions. Here in this article we will discuss each of these. Ideally, using Fenugreek is a great help in facing this dilemma.Retane is often billed as a cure for men's hair loss. Retane has not been approved by the FDA so you need to tread carefully if you are thinking of employing this method for dealing with losing your hair. Retane is a topical application that is supposed to stimulate hair growth by "revitalizing" your scalp. It is a spray on solution that you mix yourself in the spray bottle provided. To ensure the best results and a full bodied head of hair, be sure to spray the solution all over your scalp. The product is supposed to be all natural but talk to your doctor before you start spraying yourself with it.Bitter Melon are great if you want more info about healthy herbs that can really help you.
You need to understand fully what caused your hair loss before you make a decision on how to treat it. For example, one big reason you might be losing your hair is if you've undergone some sort of chemotherapy for another illness such as cancer. After chemotherapy it is important to let your body heal before addressing hair loss. Trying any sort of hair replacement therapies, toupees or hair growing treatments could do more harm to you than good. Talk with your oncologist if you want to find a way to speed up the hair growth process once you have finished your rounds of cancer treatment.
Have you ever heard of the infant condition cradle cap? Did you know that it can happen for adults too? Adult Cradle Cap is, believe it or not, a large cause of men's hair loss. Cradle cap has been referred to as many things but the long and short of it is that it's really nothing more than a crusty rash that prevents healthy hair growth. Because of the number of causes we cannot possibly list them here. You should get your dermatologist to help you figure out the best course of action to clear up this condition. The effects of this position are most definately reversible You just need to be patient and do what your doctor tells you to do! Noone can tell for sure just how many causes there are for hair loss. You also have many options to treat and prevent or reduce the effects on your scalp. Talk to a medical professional. He might have ideas of other methods you should consider. You could also just save yourself the headache of dealing with it all and shave your head.